Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday 3/710


Well, that was a lousy month for posting. The first half of February was without a computer, and the second half I'll address below, leaves a month where the stop and start of me trying to create a habit of blogging was at full stop.

Thanks to the AMC Best Picture Showcase, I have in the past week revisited nine of the best picture nominees (and saw one for the first time). Over the next week I plan to write up reasctions to all ten.

I've seen three films off my Disney list, so I need to post thm, plus one of the worst concert films I've ever seen, which I inexplicably watched yesterday.

And then I might get around to the 2009 10 best list, which is now two months overdue.


I am a sports fan. Now when most Americans say that, they mean the holy trinity of baseball, basketball, and football. Well I will watch almost any sport. That's why I love the Olmpics. Every four years, I get to see one of my favorite summer sports, team handball. And in winter, I get to see curling.

So due to my enjoyment of multiple sports, I watch NBC's coverage of the Americans in the Olympics. IS the IOC watching? Do they realize NBC has little clue how special the Olympics are. Here's some of my problems:

1. There are other countries besides the US and Canada. I understand there needs to be some coverage of the Americans. But when your announcing team spends most of the first race telling us how much of a medal threat the top American is, and he finishes 41st, the focus is a bit off.

2. Medal ceremonies. Where are they? This is the Olympics. The medal ceremonies are part of what makes it special. NBC rarely shows them.

3. Shut up announcers! This especially goes for figure skating. There is a nice presentation, complete with music. To appreciate it, I want no announcing. Between the performace and the judges scores, you can tell me why it will or won't win a medal.

4. Polar bears. I tune in one night, and there is a segament on freaking polar bears. Not what I watch the Olmpics for. Too many of these pieces showing us how wonderful Canada is were shown. I already knew it is a great country. Air that stuff on the Today show.

I got my first DVR just before the Olympics. Made my life a lot easier. I watched almost nothing as NBC was showing it, so I could skip through all of NBC's non-sports Olympics coverage. It will be in use next time, as it was the only way to make NBC's mess tolerable.

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