Sunday, July 7, 2019

Men In Black International (2019)

Seriously, did anyone making Men In Black International watch the original Men In Black? It contains Will Smith's finest comic performance. It also contains a fine comic performance by Vincent D'Onforio as the villain, and the been there, done that attitudes of Tommy Lee Jones and Rip Torn also add to the comedy.

Not with this installment. Whoever called the shots on this film -- word is, it isn't director F. Gary Gray -- decided this series is known for its action. The sort-of finished product has lots of non-descript action and very little of what passes for comedy. Tessa Thompson throws herself into her lead performance, but she has little support. The presence of Emma Thompson only reminds me that Men In Black 3 is a lot better than this.

For all the handwringing at the absence of Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith from this episode, it is director Barry Sonnenfeld, who directed the first three, who is truly missed. Suddenly Men In Black 2 doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Grade: D+