Saturday, November 7, 2009

One month later...

Well, that didn't work. One month without a post. So what happened?

1. I am just wrapping up a three week battle with bronchitis, which has wiped me out.

2. I am worn out because my birthday was last Thursday. (By the way, I was born on the same date as Sam Rockwell, so happy 41st birthday to him too.)

3. Most recent movies in theaters did not interest me.

4. I was too torn up from the St. Louis Cardinals being swept from the baseball playoffs.

5. I've gotten really good at a pinball game I have for my Playstation and have spent many hours playing.

...all of the above are true, yet none are the real reason I haven't posted. I haven't written much in the past ten years, and am trying to find my sea legs. And once I locked up trying to write the BEST REVIEW EVER of Where the Wild Things Are, I resorted to my old problem of: if I can't write it perfect, don't right it at all.

So now I try again.

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