Sunday, November 20, 2011

Religulous (2008)

I watch Real Time with Bill Maher every week. I find it the most enjoyable discussion shows on TV, and one of the main reasons to have HBO. One of things I enjoy about it is the discussion is on equal ground, and I have always felt the goal of the show is more to stimulate discussion on the issues rather than to promote an agenda. That trait is sorely missing in Religulous.

Instead, most of the running time of Religulous is spent finding as many extreme religious views as possible, to interview as many fools as possible, and in between the interviews address the camera to let the audience know how much better he is than the interview subjects.

The basic problem is all that Maher proves is not that religion is bad, because he never really approaches what draws so many people to religion until his wrap-up at the end of the film. What he has done is shown that extremism is bad, and comes across as extremist himself. His lack of tolerance for differing views is embarrassing.

I got a much better look at this subject a few years ago on Real Time. But Maher doesn't reference that. In that discussion, Ben Afflack made the compelling point that every major charity had its roots in religious beliefs. I've never heard Maher have a good counter argument to that, to people who genuinely live as Jesus taught. Why? It scres up his narrative.

But hey, if you want a one-sided rant for athiesm, this is it. But a solid documentary genuinely examining the pros and cons of religion? This ain't it.

Grade: D

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